Lab: Parameterized Complexity

MA-INF 1317

  • We will meet every two weeks. The first meeting is on Monday April 18 from 9-12 in room E.08 in the LBH building.
  • Knowledge of parameterized complexity is not required.
  • The programming task will usually have a scientific motivation and may be the basis of a master thesis (but this is far from mandatory).
  • Independent of the concrete topic you should expect a certain amount of implementation work and subsequent experiments. At the end of the term there should be a short (20 min) presentation of the results. It may be necessary to familiarize yourself a little with some recommended reading.
  • The tasks will not be „set in stone“ meaning that you can contribute your own suggestions for how to proceed, e.g., regarding further goals, code optimizations, other target problems.
  • In principle, you may also suggest a topic to work on (preferably by email beforehand), but final decision on topics lies with the lecturer/tutor.
  • Please send an email to if you are interested in participating. (This is not mandatory but may be helpful for planning.)
lehre/ss16/lab-paramcomplex.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/04/12 10:50 von kratsch
