Seminar: Parameterized Complexity

MA-INF 1212

  • The initial meeting is on Monday April 18 from 9-12 in room E.08 in the LBH building.
  • In the meeting all students will be assigned a scientific paper from the field of parameterized complexity that appeared recently in a journal or conference.
  • Each participant needs to prepare and present a talk about the assigned paper.
  • Talks should be prepared using latex beamer or powerpoint (or appropriate substitute).
  • All talks will be given at the end of the lecture period in one or two longer meetings.
  • During the lecture period it is strongly recommended (but not mandatory) to make two appointments for discussing your general understanding of the assigned paper (first appointment) and for discussing a first version of your talk slides (second appointment).
  • Prior knowledge of parameterized complexity is not required.
lehre/ss16/seminar-paramcomplex.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/04/12 10:50 von kratsch
