The initial meeting is on Monday April 18 from 9-12 in room E.08 in the LBH building.
In the meeting all students will be assigned a scientific paper from the field of parameterized complexity that appeared recently in a journal or conference.
Each participant needs to prepare and present a talk about the assigned paper.
Talks should be prepared using latex beamer or powerpoint (or appropriate substitute).
All talks will be given at the end of the lecture period in one or two longer meetings.
During the lecture period it is strongly recommended (but not mandatory) to make two appointments for discussing your general understanding of the assigned paper (first appointment) and for discussing a first version of your talk slides (second appointment).
Prior knowledge of parameterized complexity is not required.
lehre/ss16/seminar-paramcomplex.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/04/12 10:50 von kratsch